Dental anxiety is a common issue in dentistry. This is understandable, as there a lot of people in the world who have had negative experiences at a dental office. There are those of us out there that would rather undergo an intense toothache rather than sit in a dental chair. There are those of us who despise the sound of the turbine in a dental drill, or even the feeling of a dental hygienist’s cleaning instrument against our teeth. Sleep Dentistry started being used in order to help patients get through the barriers they face, in order to get the dental care they need and want. Sedation
, or Sleep Dentistry can help to remove anxiety, and render you relaxed enough to improve your oral health. It can be used for anything from a simple teeth cleaning, to full-on oral surgery. The sedative medication used in Sleep Dentistry ensures that your visit is comfortable, and painless, while reducing your phobia and anxiety.
For various reasons, there are some of us who have a difficult getting numb, using conventional, localized anesthetic. Here are some of these reasons:
There are more reasons individuals can have a hard time getting numb, but I just wanted to give a couple of examples here.
Sleep Dentistry can be an option where there are instances of patients having difficulty getting numb via local anesthetic.
Sensitive Gag Reflexes
Patients who have very sensitive gag reflexes can benefit immensely from Sedation
, or Sleep Dentistry. The sedative medication helps to relax you, as well as the muscles in your throat that cause this reflexive gagging. Some of us may even have anxiety over this gag reflex, which can make any dental experience that much more worrisome. Sleep Dentistry can counteract this worry, and make you feel relaxed and comfortable in the dental chair.
Extremely Sensitive Teeth
Obviously, if you have very sensitive teeth, you may not feel inclined to receive dental treatment, which is completely understandable. Who wants very sensitive areas in their mouth to be subjected to dental instruments without the use of something to help block that sensitivity? It’s also impractical, unrealistic, and unsafe to simply inject Novocaine throughout the inside of your mouth. Sedation Dentistry
resolves this issue as the sedative affects the whole body, relaxing you, and minimizing, of course, the sensitivity of your teeth.
Going back and forth to the dentist can be stressful. Taking off a lot of time at work, in a lot of cases, just isn’t possible, or isn’t wanted. One of the best uses of Sleep Dentistry, is towards complex dental issues that would require many steps. These complex dental issues also can cause great anxiety. The obvious benefit of using sedation towards the resolution of these complex issues, is that, instead of having to go back and forth to the dentist, for the various steps the dentist needs to take to resolve the dental issues in your mouth, the doctor can perform many different steps in one appointment. This saves you time, as well as further anxiety. Using Sleep Dentistry in these longer appointments will keep you relaxed, comfortable, and help to minimize anxiety, throughout the lengthy dental appointment.
In Closing
There are many reasons for using Sleep Dentistry. Some of which have been outlined above. It’s general purpose is to help make you feel relaxed and comfortable during your visits with us. Dr. Lynch and the team at Dental Care Burke go out of their way to ensure a calm and quiet environment. Dr. Bernard Lynch is experienced and compassionate, and thoroughly understands the concerns you may have, and will work with you towards the goal of a happy, healthy smile.
Schedule an appointment with us and see what set’s us apart. Call (703) 596 1555 today!
Bernard W. Lynch, DMD, FAGD , LVIF